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  • info@moi-research.com


Our philosophy is to combine state-of-the-art marketing and research expertise with a deep understanding of the local culture.

Quality does not come from accepting the inevitability of the unexpected. In developing markets, effective execution comes from the knowledge of where things can go wrong and careful planning to eliminate those problems.

At MOI, we believe that the first step for a prosperous business relationship must be listening to our clients' individual requirements, and offering them creative solutions.

These are some of the services we offer:


Awareness and Image Studies

Awareness level measures whether consumers know about and are familiar with a company, organization, product, or service.

Products and services that maintain a high level of brand awareness are likely to generate more sales. Consumers confronted with choices are simply more likely to buy a name brand product than an unfamiliar one.

Ø  Market Feasibility and Competitive Intelligence

Conducting market feasibility and competitive intelligence marketing research early in the development cycle can provide a "reality check" on your idea as well as help define product development to ensure its appeal for your customers.Competitive intelligence, sometimes referred to as corporate intelligence, refers to the ability to gather, analyze, and use information collected on competitors, customers, and other market factors that contribute to a business's competitive advantage. Competitive intelligence is important because it helps businesses understand their competitive environment and the opportunities and challenges it presents. Businesses analyze the information to create effective and efficient business practices.


Ø  Product Testing and Pricing Research

Marketing research techniques can be used to test product concepts and assess pricing strategies for new or existing products and services.

All business have to think about pricing strategy – if they want to make money. To make more money, having some form of customer data to optimize pricing is crucial.

While a variety of consumer research methodologies exist, and can be helpful, volition interferes with their accuracy. Unless you can measure actual buying behavior, there will always be a discrepancy between the theory and reality.

Therefore, embrace A/B testing to optimize pricing. This is the realest way to define the optimal price point

Price research asks existing or potential customers about their willingness-to-pay. This is in itself powerful and will help marketers understand how customers respond to their value proposition. But repeating the willingness-to-pay research across multiple concepts or with competitive propositions, it is also possible to test different concepts against each other.


Ø  Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is the process of dividing a target market into smaller, more defined categories. It segments customers and audiences into groups that share similar characteristics such as demographics, interests, needs, or location.

The importance of market segmentation is that it makes it easier to focus marketing efforts and resources on reaching the most valuable audiences and achieving business goals.

Market segmentation allows you to get to know your customers, identify what is needed in your market segment, and determine how you can best meet those needs with your product or service. This helps you design and execute better marketing strategies from top to bottom.


Ø  Purchasing Decision Dynamics

Purchase decision dynamics are ways in which consumers make decisions about buying or using products or services. Consumer buying behavior varies among people with different backgrounds, and in most markets it is possible to identify market segments that are most and least likely to use or buy a particular product or service.

Consumer behavior is a multi-faceted knowledge and a new system has greatly influenced the assumptions developed in the scientific systems. Investigation of relationship between consumer behavior and various sciences such as psychology, sociology, social psychology, cultural anthropology, economics, is considered as important issue in macro studies.

Purchases. When people want to use accumulated surplus funds to purchase goods such as a TV or a car, or they are willing to travel for the holidays, so making their own decisions are not easy. For most consumers, the decision making is difficult. Before making any decision, the customer actively collect the necessary information, talk with his friends, and do basically anything that can do for shopping.


Ø  Customer & Employee Satisfaction and Loyalty Studies

Companies use customer satisfaction studies to gauge the extent to which consumers of their products or services are satisfied, not only in general terms but also with the ways in which products or services are designed, marketed, packaged, delivered, and priced.

Customer satisfaction is the holy grail of success for businesses in the customer service industry. A vast array of measurements and tools are implemented to ensure and measure customer satisfaction. Many businesses fail to look to one of the key factors in achieving their customer satisfaction goals: the role of the service-providing employee.

Ø  Political Polling

Political polls are an essential tool used by politicians in organizing their campaigns and crafting a strong message. Understanding the different types of polls and how they work is critical to running a successful political campaign.

A political poll is use of survey instruments to elicit and record an individual’s opinions, attitudes, and personal information. Instruments can be designed to capture qualitative data by asking open-ended questions of voters and recording answers in their own words. Quantitative instruments provide fixed options for their respondents’ answers